Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012


So in less than 2 months, my first final exams are due, and I have no idea what I should do about my attitude towards studying. Since I started to go to school, I never needed to study particularly much or at all to move on to the next grade. Of course I sometimes struggled, but overall I'm intelligent enough to get by with decent grades.

But this is the final exams, and I never even learned how to properly study or motivate myself to do so. When I sit down to study stuff like math or something I just give up after a short while because it's so boring and I don't really understand it.

So what I'm asking is if anybody got tips regarding this kind of attitude and how to turn it around.

Many more posts to come!

13 Kommentare:

  1. Fail your exams, redo year, have more than enough time for your addiction :P.

  2. You might wanna try going to the library to study. You might feel more motivated in that environment.

    Or just video record the lectures from class, and watch them over, if that seems less tedious.

  3. Same problem here. I walways pretty much auto-fail during the second Quarter.

  4. never study, always pass, fuckyeah

  5. I'm in just the same situation, my final exams are in about 2-3 weeks and I haven't done shit yet. I didn't need to learn alot in earlier years in order to get good marks, and I'm doubting I'll make it this time.

    Good luck to both of us, I guess. I'm off, trying to find some motivation ;D

    PS: Love the FBF :D

  6. do a schedule and follow it as much as you can, at first you won't but is the best ways to start.

  7. Stupid studying :( Hate it! Cool blog dude

  8. Lol that picture made me laugh.
    + I fucking hate studying.

  9. I really really need to study before hand for the next semester... but so far...
